The project began with developing a design for a product that not only had the appearance of a cruciferous vegetable but one that was also food safe. As the material used to fabricate the prop was food safe, the challenge lied in ensuring all components would fit together without gaps and kept a consistent firm seal.
Once the design was completed, we created the digital sculpt of the objects and the various components that made them up. Here is where the prop was designed to maintain its functionality while remaining an authentic replica of a real broccoli/cauliflower.
The final step was to hand paint the prints using traditional methods leaving a practical, life-like, food safe vegetable prop.
Early screw concept design Printed shaker concepts Cauliflower digital sculpting Mesh for 3d printing Broccoli print progression
In need of a fast, cost efficient and multifunctional method for a physical marketing tool?
3D printing is an effective method for rapid product prototyping, realisation of 3D form and auxiliary promotional tools.
AWF offers services in design and fabrication of 3D objects with timely and cost effective options.
Contact us now for any further enquiries about 3D printing.